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  • Writer's pictureKey Young

Tabata Day October

Updated: Nov 1, 2021





8 rounds in a row.

20 seconds of work.

10 seconds of rest.

There will be no rest for 4 min.

Do all 8 rounds of Tabata #1 without rest, then have a short drink of water. You cannot proceed to Tabata #2 until all 8 rounds are complete.

  1. Plank Elbow to Hands... Star Side Plank (Alternating sides each round)

  2. Split Squat Jumps (no jump is an option) alternate sides each round... Front Rack Pause Squat with External Cue

  3. Lateral Bound with Rotation... Single Leg Lateral Rotational Jumps

  4. Bicycle Crunches.. Medicine Ball Lateral Toss (Alternating sides each round)

  5. Deep Squats with Assistance.. Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive (Alternate Sides each Rep!)



TABATA | #1 Star Side Plank (Alternating sides each round)

TABATA | #2 Front Rack Pause Squat with External Cue

TABATA | #3 Single Leg Lateral Rotational Jumps

TABATA | #4 Medicine Ball Lateral Toss (Alternating sides each round)

TABATA | #5 Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive (Alternate Sides each Rep!)

Count your reps for the total Tabata and record.

You will do these again this week and observe your results


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